Wonderful essay, Ishita. I have always held that trees and the plant kingdom are the superior life forms. I absolutely loved your 10 Commandments; good thing that unlike in Moses' case, the originals were not written in stone - you could strike them out and rewrite! 😁

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Absolutely agreed, flora & funga are superior in every aspect - community, flourishing, relationships. I’ve been exploring these themes for long now and there’s so much to learn from them. ☺️

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Sep 7Liked by Ishita Singh

"Be with the tree!"

"Be the tree!"

"Tree being ins September!"

by RB



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Ah love this Romy! 💕

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@Ishita Singh

What exactly and how much

or how many?

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You write beautifully well

Love how you shared your story on narratives. It's really deep

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Thank you Prisca! Means so much you stopped by and also shared your thoughts. Grateful 🙏

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This piece was fab 😃

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Sep 2Liked by Ishita Singh

Beautiful and compelling piece, Ishita. Thank you for including me. I will see you out in the forest, being a tree sounds grand.

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Made my day. I will see you out in the forest. 🫶

Thank you for allowing me to feature your words.

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Sep 3Liked by Ishita Singh


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Love this. Identity is indeed a many splendored thing and so much more than what we simply do to make ends meet. Thanks for sharing this reflections, Ishita.

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Thank you Scott for your kind words. I have noticed a lot of my work is leaning towards identity and self. Perhaps I am in the phase ever I’m going through reinventing myself and in that, I’m finding a lot of energy and purpose. 🤞

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Okay, one more thing ONLY! 😆 Almost immediately directed here after reading your essay. The universe abides.


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I possible CANNOT thank you enough for sending me to Josh's post. What a wonderful piece. Thanks Bree for stumbling upon my newsletter & sharing your love so freely! Appreciate it so much. :)

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Wild, right? I was pretty gobsmacked. Really glad you dug Josh’s piece too. So SO fricking good.

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Golly, Ishita—what an essay. Where do I start? So many synchronicities!! For brevity, I’ll stick to two:

1. I am also a devoted hugger of trees, as well as a proud advocate of the practice (some take me up on it, more than some just think it’s cute). I’ve always been particularly drawn to, and identify with, those trees that have clearly lived through their own rough patches… my business logo is a photo I took of a white pine, damaged by fire, still growing on the banks of Lake Tahoe. You’ve got the vibe on that, I’m sure.

2. The whole freight train thing. As a creative entrepreneur coach/mentor, this gets my goat screaming!! I’m with you 💯, and love love LOVE your list of rewritten narratives. Kinship, period.

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BREE! Omg thank you so much for your lovely words. I can feel the energy through your comment.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this (errr..lengthy) essay. I admire you so much for sharing these synchronicities. Nothing like finding a person on the internet you can scream with together, amirite. <3

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Ishita! You right!!

So glad you felt the love, and that it didn’t come off too sticky (I sometimes feel like I’m channeling my inner bey, getting so starstruck on amazing writing). Delighted to have found you… onward! 🧡✨

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Sep 8Liked by Ishita Singh

Never felt so calm after reading a story, this was what I needed, thankyou!, love from deep heart, heart emoji! I know you don't need any other comments, you know what my heart is feeling right now, thanking you again!

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Author

Anvesha, your words mean so much. If my writing can help even one person feel calm, my work as a writer is done. <3

So glad you chose to share with me about your feels. It's given me all the feels now. Thanks!

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Hi Ishiguro, your words and ideas are original, creative and challenging. What a great voice you are for me to learn from. Daniel

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Daniel, you're so kind to say that. I admire your generosity! :) Much love.

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…lots of winning moments and philosophies in here…i of course landed on being a tree…i think it is valuable to see yourself in others as much as yourself…practice creative empathy…see life as living…there are worlds out there…endless worlds to live in…and they live right back in you…

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CansaFis! It’s always lovely to hear from you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me earlier and also for your words on the post.

See life as living, so true. I am going to sketch this out. 🌻

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A few sentences here really hit me in re-evaluating my life and how I am living it. thank you for sharing.

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Thanks Makayla for sharing this with me. 🫶 hope you find some answers 💕

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AI changed my salutation! I wrote your lovely name “Ishita” correctly. This time it changed it to Ishtar until I manually corrected it! So SORRY FOR THAT! Daniel

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Hahaha, you know I like both Ishiguro & Ishtar. I absolutely don't mind getting called those names. :D

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“We are poets and dreamers, secret artists and midnight philosophers.” What you say here is so true! This is the true value and beauty of humanity. Hope for the world. 🖤

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This is so interesting! You are so interesting! I am glad I found you online!

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